Over the past several centuries, humanity has raked the land of its resources, threatening the balance of the natural world. The nature of the earnings that define late capitalism have incidentally raped us of nature itself. Contemplation of the future is lost in the inundation of illusory pleasures and distractions pioneered by the media. The excess and pollution we produce mirrors our own social and spiritual decay. Mankind faces a time of impending consequence stemming from decades of disregard for the world in which we live. 

In an epoch spanning centuries, humanity's insatiable appetite for resources has relentlessly plundered the Earth, unsettling the equilibrium of our natural world. The tenets of late capitalism, shaped by ceaseless pursuit of earnings, have inadvertently led us down a path where nature itself has fallen victim. The prospect of contemplating our future is submerged beneath a deluge of fleeting pleasures and media-engineered distractions.

As we reel from the inundation of information, our actions mirror our own societal and spiritual corrosion. The detritus of excess and pollution we create stands as a haunting reflection of our internal decay. Mankind stands at the precipice of a defining juncture, a moment teeming with impending consequences borne from decades of disregard for the very world we call home.

Deforestation in Oceania, with staggering statistics revealing the loss of vast swaths of forest cover, epitomizes this overarching theme. The irrevocable felling of trees, the fragile guardians of ecological balance, showcases the magnitude of our collective disregard. Within this series, these pressing realities are woven into a visual narrative, a mirror reflecting the urgency of our times. Through these images, we are confronted with the inextricable link between our actions and their reverberations across the environment, social fabric, and the spiritual essence of existence. It is a call to awaken, to reassess our trajectory, and to collectively strive for a future where the symphony of nature's rhythms can harmonize once more with our aspirations.